Elliot Hospital abrirá nueva sala de emergencias expandida la próxima semana.Manchester aprobó la asignación de $ 1.4 millones para convertir un centro de emergencia en una solución más permanente. Ex-gobernador de New Jersey anuncia candidatura presidencial. Arrestan a una cuarta persona involucrada en tiroteo en fiesta de graduación en Manchester.
With staffing even tighter than usual over the holidays, the president of Elliot Health System says the Manchester hospital will have to close 10 extra beds.
En el noticiero de hoy, entérate sobre el reciente evento de vacunación de refuerzo en New Hampshire, los desafíos que enfrentan los hospitales locales y de Massachusetts, y los recientes descubrimientos de los reportes de New Hampshire Housing.
Elliot's president says the staffing plan state officials outlined was accurate earlier this week. But demand for beds changes daily, and that plan is not today’s reality.
A continuación, encuentra las noticias del jueves 10 de diciembre. Puedes escucharlas haciendo click en el audio o leerlas.Una nota: Lo escrito es nuestro…
Two Manchester hospitals at the center of New Hampshire’s COVID-19 response have identified new outbreaks among patients and staff not directly connected…
Manchester police continue to investigate a threat made early Sunday morning toward two hospitals in New Hampshire's largest city.Police have not…
The state Attorney General's office will allow a proposed affiliation between two New Hampshire hospital systems to move forward.Elliot Hospital in…
A public hearing on plans to combine Elliot Hospital and Southern New Hampshire Health drew a who’s who of local influencers in Manchester last night –…
The hospitals will keep their respective names on the building. Employees and patients won’t see any immediate changes. But six months after announcing…