Two months ago, the education commissioner told school leaders they would be shouldering that expense.
El 15 de enero de 2025 es la fecha máxima para inscribirse para un seguro médico subsidiado en el mercado individual.
El comisionado de educación, Frank Edelblut, le está diciendo a los distritos escolares que esperen menos fondos estatales el próximo año para cubrir costos de educación especial.
La Corte Suprema de New Hampshire escucha argumentos sobre si el impuesto a la propiedad educativa del estado es legal
The long-standing debate over “donor towns” — and whether the statewide education property tax should be redistributed from rich to poor — has returned to state's highest court.
Oral arguments before the New Hampshire Supreme Court are scheduled for November.
In court, the state has vowed to appeal a judge's school funding orders to the state Supreme Court, setting up a legal fight that could take years. But in the State House, lawmakers are considering their own funding bills.
Monday's decision is the latest in a decades-long fight over who should pay for public schools and how much that should cost.
The judge says the state should fund at least $7,356 per pupil – not the current $4,100. He also found the statewide education property tax unconstitutional.
The program provides eligible families with the same amount the state pays per pupil to public school districts — about $4,500 — to pay for private school tuition or home school expenses.