NH Attorney General John Formella says a new rule expanding health benefits to ‘Dreamers’ violates federal law and is a misuse of taxpayer money.
Premiums are up, according to state regulators — but subsidies should offset that cost for most people.
The set of health policy ideas have been GOP favorites for decades. It could mean cheaper health insurance but would undermine protections for patients in the Affordable Care Act.
Other no-cost services are also impacted under the ruling by U.S. District Judge Reed O'Connor that opponents say will jeopardize preventive care for millions of Americans.
For the first time this year, family members of an employee who has insurance through an employer may be able to choose a federally subsidized Affordable Care Act Marketplace plan instead.
It’s the first open enrollment period in years where New Hampshire will have in-state health care navigators providing free enrollment assistance.
In a push to get more people insured under the Affordable Care Act, more health care navigators will return to New Hampshire.
The 7-2 decision threw out the challenge to the law, saying Texas and other objecting GOP-dominated states were not required to pay anything under the mandate provision and thus lacked standing.
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