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NH News Recap: How North Country communities are navigating flooding recovery

Flooded street and gas station
Jackie Harris
Flooding on Route 175A in Plymouth Tuesday, December 19.

Several bills that would restrict the rights of trans people in public spaces, school sports, and other areas are now headed to Gov. Chris Sununu for his consideration. And North Country communities are still rebuilding after intense rainfall in December caused some of the worst flooding the region has experienced.

We discuss these stories on this week's edition of the New Hampshire News Recap.


  • Paul Cuno-Booth, NHPR
  • Mara Hoplamazian, NHPR
  • Julia Furukawa, NHPR

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Stories from around New Hampshire this week:

Advocates urge Sununu to veto bills restricting trans rights

LGBTQ rights groups are urging Gov. Chris Sununu to veto a set of bills that would limit the rights of transgender Granite Staters, particularly trans youth.

NH missed a court deadline to end ER boarding. But it's making some progress.

For the past year, New Hampshire has been staring down a deadline for ending a persistent problem: patients languishing in emergency rooms for days or weeks, due to a lack of inpatient mental health care.

Half a year after floods, three North Country residents are still wading through recovery

It’s been almost half a year since heavy rainfall and snowmelt on a record-warm December day sent water cascading through New Hampshire's North Country. The storm cut people off from emergency services, washed out roads and bridges, and wrecked homes.

More New Hampshire headlines:

Political operative linked to AI Biden robocalls facing charges in NH, FCC fines

Under a new NH voting law, the right to a secret ballot is no longer guaranteed

Dartmouth faculty censure President Beilock for ‘pattern’ of calling police on protesters

Sununu, hospitals fight over proposed changes to state Medicaid payments

Jackie Harris is the Morning Edition Producer at NHPR. She first joined NHPR in 2021 as the Morning Edition Fellow.

For many radio listeners throughout New Hampshire, Rick Ganley is the first voice they hear each weekday morning, bringing them up to speed on news developments overnight and starting their day off with the latest information.
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