A union representing FairPoint Communications workers in New Hampshire says it will meet with the company this week over plans to cut 260 positions.
Glenn Brackett is business manager of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 2320 in New Hampshire. He said FairPoint officials are paying too much attention to stock prices and not to the services they offer customers. “I’m disappointed that FairPoint has chosen to continue to be top-heavy in managers and have no thought about taking care of their customers, by letting go of the people who actually fix the phones and support the broadband network," Brackett said.
In its announcement last week the North Carolina-based company said the job cuts and the closing of a Vermont call center reflected a decline in the landline telephone market. Officials say FairPoint will look instead toward more broadband and data services, including more staffing at its data center in Manchester.
The company has not specified where the job cuts will take place, but unions say 219 of the 260 positions would come from the workforce in northern New England.