Amanda Pirani
News Intern-
In New Boston, Kelly McCutcheon’s 50 sheep are spending the summer landscaping conservation fields.
'Food stamps don’t hack it:' Coos County residents experience highest rates of food insecurity in NHRoughly 13% of the people in the area struggle to get enough food consistently. An Errol food pantry is trying to address the need.
Durham beekeeper Lee Alexander says rain storms and heat waves intensified by climate change is making his job harder. Experts say he’s not alone.
In the spring, Lake Kanasatka in Moultonborough received an uncommon treatment for cyanobacteria that cuts off the bacteria’s food source. This summer, its waters are crystal clear.
For the past year, one team of Dartmouth Health pediatricians in Lebanon has helped inform patients about five local climate concerns: air quality, extreme heat, extreme weather, ticks and mosquitos, and mental health.
El patrocinador del proyecto dice que solo se hubiera aplicado a personas que residen legalmente en el país.
A bill signed into law earlier this month will create a pilot program to help school districts purchase local foods for student meals. Districts will have to apply to participate.
As communities across the state continue to see 90-degree days, summer camps are making changes to keep kids safe.
A UNH extension program is working with gardeners to deliver excess produce to local food pantries.
The bill's sponsor says it would’ve only applied to people residing in the country legally.