Hippo Editor Amy Diaz joins Morning Edition to discuss some of the events in store for Granite Staters this weekend and beyond.
Glitz & Glam
It's Oscar weekend, which means you can sit in your living room wearing sweatpants while famous people applaud other famous people... OR, you can take part in the revelry and high fashion yourself by attending the annual Red Carpet Viewing Party at Red River Theatres in Concord! It starts at 7pm on Sunday. Dress to impress. There's a photo booth, champagne, treats, trivia and your ticket money goes towards free screenings regularly put on by the theater.
Oh So Pretty
The Palace Theater is playing their production of West Side Story beginning Friday night and through the weekend. It's last showing is on March 7th.
Send The Kids To Winter Vacation Camp?
We are heading into vacation week for many schools in the state. Check out the Hippo's list of available camps for next week to help get the kids (K-8) out of the house, away from the game consoles, tablets and computers, and get them to be active either outside or inside.