While many still see commuity colleges as technical and vocational training schools, on these campuses in New Hamphsire, there's a robust conversation now about the broader value of that two-year degree -- and what courses it should include, to develop not just skilled workers but well-rounded citizens.
- Brian Bicknell - Vice president of Academic Affairs for Manchester Community College.
- Savanna Brunell - President of the student senate at Lakes Region Community College, where she studies liberal arts. She is transferring to Plymouth State University in the fall to major in communications.
- Ross Gitell - Chancellor of the New Hampshire Community College System, which includes seven campuses. He is also Vice President and Forecast Manager for the New England Economic Partnership.
- Stu Wallace - Professor of history at NHTI, Concord's community college. He teaches many courses but specializes in the history of New Hampshire. He is the former director of the New Hampshire Historical Society.
In "The Community College System of New Hampshire: Evolution, Challenges, and Opportunities," Chancellor Ross Gittell describes the sytem's evolution -- from its post-World War II origin as two trade schools serving a few hundred students to the statewide system of today, with seven campuses serving more than 27,00o students annually.
New Hampshire was among eight states to receive grants from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to develop a New Hampshire Humanities Collaborative involving the Community System of New Hampshire and the University of New Hampshire.