Although ASR has been detected in a nuclear power plant outside the United States, Seabrook Station is currently the only American nuclear power plant exhibiting ASR, according to the NRC.
Federal regulators have opened a new safety investigation at Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant, focused on a component that's become an obstacle to a major new…
A panel of federal judges has ordered a stricter monitoring plan for Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant’s issues with cracks in its concrete. The ruling comes…
Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant remains offline after experiencing its second unexpected shutdown in about a week on Saturday night.The incidents stem from…
Federal regulators expect to return to more frequent inspections at Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant as New Hampshire reopens its economy.The Nuclear…
Last week, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission held a federal hearing to address cracks in the concrete at Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. The safety…
Nuclear regulators say they plan to approve a new license for Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant next week.It comes after an extra public hearing on concerns…
Federal regulators still appear poised to re-license Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant, despite requests to delay.A Nuclear Regulatory Commission hearing on…
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will meet with Seacoast residents Wednesday night, ahead of an anticipated re-licensing for Seabrook Nuclear Power…
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will delay giving Seabrook Station permission to stay open until 2050, after facing pressure from lawmakers to take more…