In mostly party-line votes, Republicans rejected efforts to study how much climate change is costing the state and how to recoup those costs, among other proposals.
Representatives also rejected rules to codify subpoena powers and require "formal business attire" at the State House.
Incumbent House Speaker Sherman Packard faces a challenge from a fellow Republican.
The bill’s sponsors said it's meant to address complaints from physician assistants about the collaborative agreement form. The state's medical society opposes the bill.
Tuesday's results were unsurprising in districts that tilt Democratic, and they shrink the GOP’s partisan edge in the House to just six seats.
According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, more than half of justice-involved veterans have mental health problems or substance-abuse disorders.
Twenty-one House members have participated in fewer than 70% of votes, nine Republicans and 12 Democrats.
Learn how to research legislation, how to participate in a public hearing and more.
The party that wins the House may have a razor-thin majority on paper. But in practice, the outcome of bills is going to depend on how many show up to vote.
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