It's the Chiefs' fourth trip to the big game in five seasons. The 49ers, who haven't won a Super Bowl since 1995, lost their last chance at the trophy in 2020 against the Chiefs.
The National Football League recently announced a new policy requiring players to stand during the national anthem or stay in the locker room. Earlier…
The New England Patriots will play its first game of the official season Thursday evening against the Kansas City Chiefs.Chad Finn, sports reporter for…
Today, voices of Terezin, the Nazi concentration camp used to divert attention from the final solution. We'll hear about how prisoners held under brutal…
On the field, the UNH Wildcats had a nearly perfect season, advancing into the playoffs as the top ranked team in their division. But off the field, a…
With several players charged with domestic violence, including a shocking video showing the abuse, many are questioning the league’s culture and policies.…
Despite lockouts, replacement referees, and a lawsuit to settle brain trauma-related lawsuits, America's passion for football remains in play. We…
Watching football this weekend? Well, If you happen to step out of the living room to grab some guacamole and miss a pivotal play, don’t worry – you can…
The best of the best of Word of Mouth's content, rolled up into one awesome program. This week, why your company's rules about social media could be…
Increasingly, fans are taking in a second screen NFL experience on social media. The drama of this year’s football season has been echoed, and sometimes…