Abortion has featured prominently in political debates, fliers and TV ads this campaign season. But what’s it like to hear that rhetoric as someone who’s recently had an abortion?
New Hampshire lawmakers have found it difficult to coalesce around adding exceptions to the 24-week abortion ban, including those related to fatal fetal anomalies, rape and incest.
Alejandra Soto de Planned Parenthood nos contó que aunque el aborto sea legal en todo el país, la ola conservadora en la legislatura de New Hampshire preocupa a los defensores del aborto porque puede presentar una desafío a comunidades que ya tienen desafíos para acceder a atención médica.
Lisa Akey of Brookline has to consider an abortion of one twin to save the other, but it’s not currently a procedure she could get in New Hampshire.
Wednesday the New Hampshire House and Senate overrode seven of Gov. John Lynch’s vetoes and allowed six to stand.The voting came rapid-fire in the Senate,…