Missing payments, unwarranted denials and other hassles are costing therapists time and money – and driving some to stop taking insurance altogether.
Dos candidatos Republicanos a gobernador debatieron en TV. Funcionarios de salud recomiendan tomar serias precauciones a virus Triple E.NH lanza un equipo de respuesta para ayudar con las reclamaciones de seguros.
El clima extremo está convirtiéndose en más que un riesgo con el cambio climático. Los funcionarios estatales de seguros dicen que quieren ayudar a las personas.
Extreme weather is becoming more of a risk with climate change. State insurance officials say they want to meet people where they are to help.
Hombre llega a un acuerdo con Fiscalía después de dejar nota racista en el carro de un Latino. El sistema de salud de NH aún se está recuperando d ciberataque. Pronto reabrirán una unidad en el Hospital de New Hampshire.
Officials hope advocacy groups can make more people aware of the voluntary insurance program, which has seen limited enrollment since launching a year ago.
Transparency can help keep health care prices in check as hospital mergers raise cost concerns, according to a panel of experts hosted by the N.H. Insurance Department.
Gov. Sununu's pick to be NH's insurance commissioner defended a resume marked by both ambition and scandal during his confirmation this week.
Bettencourt has long been active in New Hampshire politics and previously served as the governor's policy director.
New Hampshire Hospital Association released the report on Athem Blue Cross and Blue Shield.