Traditionally, the winter flu season ramps up in December or January. But it took off in October last year, and is making a November entrance this year.
Una líder en Nashua busca concientizar a la población Latina de NH sobre la enfermedad del Alzheimer. La gala Black Lives Matter Seacoast juntó a la comunidad este fin de semana en Dover. En temporada de gripe, funcionarios de salud sugieren contactar apoyo a programa federal.
The increase comes after two mild flu years due to COVID mitigation measures.
While the healthcare system has more tools to prevent and treat COVID-19, hospitals are concerned staffing shortages and flu season could mean even tighter bed capacity.
Cerca del 8% de los estadounidenses contrae la gripe cada temporada, según la CDC. Te explicamos cómo se transmite la gripe y medidas de preveción para el otoño e invierno.
After flu hit historically low levels during the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be poised for a comeback. The main clue: A nasty flu season just ended in Australia.
Flu activity might be low right now, but that's expected to change. The CDC has reported signs of a decrease in flu shot uptake this season compared to last.
New Hampshire health officials say the state has marked its first flu-related death this season.WMUR-TV reports the Department of Health and Human…
An elementary school in Washington, New Hampshire has shut down after several people tested positive for the flu. WMUR reports school officials are saying…
With cold weather comes more stuffy noses, fevers, and bugs. Why do we tend to get sick in the winter, and why are some people more affected than others?…