The stations will provide weather data that can be used by forecasters, scientists, and local businesses that rely on certain weather conditions for tourism.
Extreme weather is becoming more of a risk with climate change. State insurance officials say they want to meet people where they are to help.
While most of Keene was largely unscathed by the heavy winds and rain on July 16, the city estimated a Tanglewood Cooperative, a manufactured home community, sustained more than $1.5 million in damage.
Lee could create tropical storm conditions in New Hampshire, with effects strongest on the Seacoast. State officials say all Granite Staters could be affected by strong winds and should prepare.
Several global weather patterns were factors in the amount of rain that hammered the region.
A summer’s worth of rainfall last month is responsible for the new high.
This follows one of the wettest Junes on record for the highest peak in New England.
The National Weather Service won't be able to confirm the tornado until a team can survey the area, likely Friday.
While air conditioning can help, with increasingly high electric costs, it's often not accessible to those who need it most.
The daylong downpour, which dropped several inches of rain across parts of central and southern New Hampshire, came just a week after another round of heavy precipitation.