Adriana Martinez-Smiley
Summer 2023 News Intern, By DegreesAdriana (she/they) was a news intern in the summer of 2023, reporting on environment, energy and climate news as part of By Degrees. Originally from Ohio, they graduated from Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism in June 2023.
A decrease in timber harvesting in favor of carbon sequestration on the Connecticut Lakes Headwaters forest could have ripple effects on local industry and town economies, state officials say.
Local scientists, engineers and planners want to get a clearer picture on a less obvious vulnerability that’s becoming more prominent: sea-level induced groundwater rise and its effects on coastal water sources.
The company has been under fire for years for their use of PFAS chemicals, which have contaminated water in the area around their facility in Merrimack. But the exact timing of the closure remains unclear.
Several global weather patterns were factors in the amount of rain that hammered the region.
The approval comes after local pushback against the manufacturing company’s initial application that was available for public comment earlier this summer.
An emergency water main project between the two cities could provide public water for a dozen communities.
What a hornet wasp might use to sting a human, these wasps use to lay their eggs inside their host: the emerald ash borer.
A summer’s worth of rainfall last month is responsible for the new high.
The ice stays cool all summer, under the shade of ice houses, buried in sawdust.
Excess nutrients, as well as changes in the environment, are boosting the potential for cyanobacteria blooms.