The federal government wants to kill one owl to save another.
The American Conservation Coalition has held events in Manchester ahead of the primary to get Republican presidential candidates on the record about their views on climate change.
A new report from the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership shows oysters, eelgrass, and migratory fish are starting to make a comeback. But the estuaries’ vital signs are still concerning, experts say.
Fish and Game says monitoring “maternity colonies” can give biologists a better sense of how the bat population is doing year to year. Many roost in attics, barns or church steeples.
“It's as simple as locking up the carbon in the forest rather than having a developed area,” said Roger Larochelle, executive director of the Squam Lakes Conservation Society.
Could genetic modification change conservation as we know it?
Ecotourism: the very thing meant to help conserve an area might also be one of its biggest threats
Before the Great Himalayan National Park opened to the public, the area first had to shut to the people closest to it.
Jack Dalton of Manchester educates his YouTube viewers about how everyone can do their part to help in conservation.
In 1968, ecologist and biologist Garrett Hardin published “The Tragedy of the Commons,” and to this day the idea has currency in environmental and…