Los padres podrían enfrentar multas y servicio comunitario si se niegan a abordar el bullying o acoso escolar, bajo una nueva propuesta legislativa.
Legisladores detrás de proyectos de ley que buscan reducir el acoso escolar quieren más responsabilidad para escuelas y padres.
Lawmakers behind bills aimed at reducing school bullying want more accountability for schools and parents.
Editor's note: This is the first story in a two-part series. Here is part two. The schools in Hampton are in the midst of debate over how to handle racism…
Hampton school officials have rejected a local family’s request for tuition reimbursement after allegations of racist bullying.The family says their…
A former employee for the Town of Londonderry says she was the target of discrimination and harassment, and claims reports of sexual misconduct went…
A fifth-grade student in New Hampshire who wants to stop bullying has told her school board that she's been threatened to get shot in the head with an…
A handful of Claremont residents demonstrated outside the city’s high school Thursday, holding anti-bullying posters and asking students to sign a pledge…
Today's we're diving into the archives and listening to one of our favorite theme shows: The Shame Show. Listen to the full episode and read more here.
A bill aimed at cracking down on people who put sexually explicit photos of a person online without his or her consent in New Hampshire is now heading to…