Amy Klobuchar is ending her Democratic presidential camapign and she plans to endorse Joe Biden.The Minnesota senator had her best result in New…
The final days of the New Hampshire primary breathed new life into Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar's presidential campaign.Muddled results in Iowa and an…
Polls suggest Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar has gained momentum in the final days leading up to the primary.One of the senator's campaign stops Monday…
Sen. Amy Klobuchar spent the weekend crisscrossing New Hampshire, hoping to capitalize on what her campaign says is new interest from undecided voters.At…
It's the final stretch before the first primary ballots will be cast in New Hampshire, and candidates are crisscrossing the state to make their final case…
When it comes to abortion rights support, there is little daylight between the Democrats running for president. That much became clear quickly at the ‘Our…
You can’t outscroll them.Political ads are bombarding social media in New Hampshire right now, as presidential candidates try to squeeze in as much…
Voters heard new specifics and a sense of urgency around climate change from several Democratic candidates at a youth-focused forum in Concord…
During an Exchange interview, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar, who describes herself as progressive but practical, emphasized the word "progressive" in…
The N.H. Primary News Roundup; A Conversation With Sen. Amy KlobucharEach Friday until the N.H. primary on Feb. 11, The Exchange focuses on the latest news in the presidential race. The special N.H. Primary News Roundup…