The general election is Nov. 5. Here's what you need to know to find your polling place, cast a ballot and more.
The New Hampshire presidential primary is Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024. Here's what you need to know to participate.
Defensores piden atención a servicios infantiles de salud mental. Beneficios de pandemia de Medicaid expiran a fines de marzo. El martes hubo audiencia del caso que presentó Eric Spofford en contra de NHPR.
Find out how to register to vote, where to find your polling place, what's on the ballot and more.
An attorney for the New Hampshire Democratic Party said the party would attempt to contact the 995 voters impacted by the mailing.
In a memo shared with city and town clerks last month, New Hampshire Secretary of State Dave Scanlan said voters can request an absentee ballot as a health precaution in certain circumstances.
There are almost a dozen election law bills under consideration in the New Hampshire legislature this session. We look at bills at the statehouse…
A continuación, lee las noticias del miércoles 12 de mayo. También puedes escucharlas haciendo click en el audio. Una nota: Lo escrito es nuestro guión…
In each major election, hundreds of New Hampshire absentee voters are disenfranchised because of simple paperwork mistakes — and often, they might not…
Republicans in the New Hampshire Senate voted to advance a bill Thursday that would add new identification requirements to the state’s absentee balloting…