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Dispatches from Ukraine from a Seacoast photographer

Seacoast photographer Patrick Patterson stares out at the rubble of a building in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Four Points
Seacoast photographer Patrick Patterson stares out at the rubble of a building in Kyiv, Ukraine.

In May, NHPR interviewed Seacoast-based photographer Patrick Patterson when he traveled to the Polish border with Ukraine to document refugees fleeing the Russian invasion.

In late June, Patterson returned to Ukraine for two weeks. He shared audio diaries with NHPR that include reflections during his time there and when he returned home to New Hampshire.

Above is the recording that aired on NHPR, and below are full-length audio diaries from Patterson.

Post Missile Attack

Patrick Patterson takes a photo of a man in front of two burnt out buses.
Four Points
Patrick Patterson takes a photo of a man in front of two hollowed-out buses.
Sirens in Kyiv

Patrick Patterson, far right, stands with a group of people he met in Ukraine, including a married couple in Chernihiv, a Ukrainian musician and volunteers and an activist that have helped distribute food, medicine, and supplies to both civilians and military.
Four Points
Patrick Patterson, far right, stands with a group of people he met in Ukraine, including a married couple in Chernihiv, a Ukrainian musician and volunteers and an activist that have helped distribute food, medicine, and supplies to both civilians and military.

Patrick Patterson walks in front of damaged buildings in Ukraine.
Four Points
Patrick Patterson walks in front of damaged buildings in Ukraine.
Monday After Missiles

Patrick Patterson steps over rubble in a building in Ukraine.
Four Points
Patrick Patterson steps over rubble in a building in Ukraine.
Reflections on Hostomel

Patrick Patterson explores a damaged building in Ukraine.
Four Points
Patrick Patterson explores a damaged building in Ukraine.
Reflections From Home

Julia Furukawa is the host of All Things Considered at NHPR. She joined the NHPR team in 2021 as a fellow producing ATC after working as a reporter and editor for The Paris News in Texas and a freelancer for KNKX Public Radio in Seattle.
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