If you grew up with family members who pushed (or dragged) you onto the trail, chances are you have strong memories associated with hiking: Epic vistas, swarms of black flies and your dad’s terrible homemade gorp.
Whether you grow up to see them as personal triumphs or family fiascos, those early adventures can shape your perception of the outdoors for life.
Can parents shape kids into hardcore hikers? And what happens when your best-laid plans go off the map?
This episode features Sarah Lamagna, Nick Capodice, Daisy Curtin, Niles Lashway, Sarah Raiche, Tiffany Raiche and Phineas Quimby. A full transcript is available here.
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If you liked Sarah Lamagna’s tips on how to hike with children, you’ll find more in her recently published guidebook.
Outside/In is hosted by Nate Hegyi. It was reported, produced and mixed by Taylor Quimby, our executive producer, and edited by Rebecca Lavoie, NHPR's director of on-demand audio.
Our staff includes Justine Paradis and Felix Poon.
We used music by Blue Dot Sessions, The New Fools and SINY.
Our theme music is by Breakmaster Cylinder.
Outside/In is a production of New Hampshire Public Radio.