Nearly two months after implementing a ban on shellfish harvesting in coastal Atlantic waters, environmental regulators say a potentially toxic algal…
The state is temporarily banning shellfish harvesting in coastal Atlantic waters because of a severe bloom of potentially toxic algae.The ban applies to…
The Atlantic coastline and Hampton Seabrook Harbor reopened for shellfish harvesting on Friday.These waters have been closed for the past two months due…
The Piscataqua River will be dyed red Monday night as Portsmouth studies how wastewater from a local treatment plant would affect shellfish harvesting.The…
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services has closed the state’s ocean coastline and Hampton Seabrook Harbor to shellfish harvesting. The…
The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department is seasonally closing some areas to shellfish harvesting in Little Bay and the Bellamy River due to recent…
Scientists at UNH want the public’s help to search for invasive green crabs this spring and summer.The second year of the monitoring project starts this…
Hassan Signs Shellfish Restoration Bill Into LawGov. Maggie Hassan has signed into law a bill that would allow the Fish and Game Department the closing of clam, oyster and other bivalve area for…
New Hampshire health, environment and wildlife officials are holding a public meeting on shellfish rules for 2015.The information session set for Tuesday…