Kelly Ayotte says she's gotten mixed feedback from voters over her stance on filling the Supreme Court vacancy left by the death of Antonin Scalia.But she…
Justice Antonin Scalia's body lies in repose on Friday at the Supreme Court where dignitaries — including the president — and the general public will pay their respects.
Life tenure was meant to insulate justices from politics, but the clash building between President Obama and the GOP-controlled Senate after Antonin Scalia's death shows how that hasn't panned out.
Gov. Maggie Hassan ordered New Hampshire flags to half staff to honor Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who died this weekend at age 79.“Justice…
NPR's legal affairs correspondent talks about about Scalia's life, legacy and what's next.
President Obama struck a somber tone, remembering the late-Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia as a "towering legal mind" who influenced a generation, but made it clear, he intends to replace him.
Congressional Republicans are pledging to confirm no one President Obama appoints to the Supreme Court.
Scalia was perhaps the leading voice of uncompromising conservatism on the Supreme Court. In his 29 years on the court, he achieved almost a cult following for dissents.