High school athletes have new opportunities to be compensated for their athletic skills, as long as their endorsement doesn’t mention their school or the NHIAA.
'It's My Future': A New Generation Of Young Climate Activists Takes The Helm In New HampshireBy the time today's teenagers turn 50, New England's climate will feel very different. Under current warming trends, states like New Hampshire will have…
What's it like to come of age during a time of extreme political division and a global pandemic? We talk with young Granite Staters about how the past…
The transition from high school to adulthood is already major life change, and COVID-19 has complicated that process for many recent graduates. We talk…
High school graduations typically follow a pretty familiar script: Graduates sitting side by side in caps and gowns, each one getting a handshake from the…
Later this summer, The Exchange will devote several shows to K-12 public education in New Hampshire. With such a large subject, we have chosen 10…
Repetitive hits, which do not cause concussion symptoms, may be causing long term harm in athletes who participate in contact sports up to the age of 12,…
At an Oyster River High School baseball game few weeks ago, junior Brennen Oxford took the mound. He didn’t know it, but he was about to throw a…
Asked to imagine a "medieval city", you probably think of walled fiefdoms, bustling market stalls, maybe a castle, cathedral or dome of a mosque in Europe…
This year marks the 400th anniversary of the death of Shakespeare. Theater groups around the world are honoring the Bard’s work with traditional and…