The 7-year contract will put Dartmouth Health in charge at the state's psychiatric hospital for children.
The deal is backed by Gov. Chris Sununu and state health officials, but questions emerged about oversight of Hampstead Hospital.
Más de una docena de refugios de invierno abrirán en el estado. Las reglas y horarios de operación varían en cada uno.
The Department of Health and Human Services is replacing Wellpath Recovery Services, which has faced criticism over its response to safety issues and continued waitlists for care.
Oficiales de la policía de NH buscan impugnar su inclusión en la Laurie List. Demócratas de NH se reunieron en Dover. Dartmouth Health tomará administración de Hampstead Hospital.
The company currently running the facility, Wellpath Recovery Solutions, has faced criticism over its response to safety issues and continued waitlists for care.