State regulators say adding targets for cutting climate-warming pollution into New Hampshire law is not part of the project.
Los funcionarios de obras públicas de Manchester presentaron su caso para incrementar el fondo de pavimentación del camino.
At a public hearing Monday, not one attendee voiced agreement with the environmental agency’s proposed rule changes.
Granite Shore Power, which owns the station, says the issue has been fixed, and it will soon retest.
The state’s climate plan is getting its first update since 2009, and Granite Staters can have their voices heard through a series of community meetings in December and January.
The new proposal cuts the landfill’s size in half, but still maintains the location next to Forest Lake State Park.
Meses después de que el comité de planificación de Nashua haya rechazado la propuesta de construir una planta de asfalto en Temple Street, los reguladores estatales siguen considerando una aplicación de permiso aéreo ya que ambos procesos funcionan por separado.
The state’s permitting process and the process for local approval are separate, so regulators say they will still process Newport Bituminous LLC's air permit application. But officials also said any action the state takes would not overturn the city’s decision.
If the agency is awarded federal funds, it would potentially develop an electric vehicle charging grant program. The agency is holding listening sessions in October to gather input.
The priority climate plan is due this March. That will open the state up to more opportunities for funding down the line.