Debaten candidatos a 2do distrito del Congreso. Presidente de la junta de salud mental de NH renuncia en medio de investigación. Proyecto en Hudson quiere construir viviendas con cero emisiones netas.
The study shows that with each degree Celsius of global warming, thawing permafrost could emit as much carbon as 35 million cars do in a year.
The state’s Department of Environmental Services is hoping to focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation and residential buildings.
New England’s last running coal plant, the Merrimack Generating Station in Bow, could face new emissions limitations and new incentives to shut down.
There’s an 11% gap between projected emissions reductions from current policy and the U.S.’s goals for 2050. A new analysis says states, cities and businesses are needed to make up the difference.
A new emissions inventory for the city of Concord points to potential climate change solutions as the state capital works to sharply lower its greenhouse…
Estas son las noticias de hoy, viernes 7 de agosto. Se pueden leer en nuestro guion de grabaciones a continuación --incluye anotaciones diferentes-- o…
We talk with former U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz about the threat of nuclear weapons and strategies for strengthening nonproliferation policies.…
Public comment is open on a new regional framework for limiting carbon emissions from vehicles – the largest source of planet-warming greenhouse gases in…
A group of Northeast states - including New Hampshire - is expected to propose a plan this month to reduce carbon emissions from the transportation…