Experts say a bit of extra drinking isn't a problem for many people, but they recommend watching out for specific behaviors that signal addiction.
New Hampshire's state prisons are expanding medically assisted treatment for alcohol and opioid use disorders. The program will be funded with around $2…
Though the opioid crisis has been the top-of-mind health issue here, alcohol abuse remains a major problem in the state and nationally. We look at the…
Everyone in New Hampshire knows the state is grappling with an opioid crisis. But some advocates are worried we are forgetting about a problem that’s been…
When Jack O'Connor was 19, he was so desperate to beat his addictions to alcohol and opioids that he took a really rash step. He joined the Marines."This…
Roughly seventeen million Americans suffer from alcoholism, making it the country’s most prevalent addiction. We’ll look at efforts in New Hampshire to…
“Lying in bed right now, it's getting around 7, 7:15. I can tell by the sound of my voice I'm a little dazed...just hard to believe that I have 150 more…
The image of the family gathered at the table for the evening meal is a durable American tradition. Only it’s a myth. On today’s show, a food historian…
The latest census numbers project that more than a quarter of New Hampshire’s population will turn 60 or older by the year 2030, up almost 40 percent from…
It’s common knowledge that in New Hampshire those between 18 to 25 years of age have a drinking problem.The state ranks third in the nation for alcohol…