Sheryl Rich-Kern
CorrespondentSheryl Rich-Kern has been contributing stories for NHPR since 2006, covering education, social services, business, health care and an occasional quirky yarn that epitomizes life in New Hampshire. Sherylâââ
The historical museum in Lyme is wrapping up a summer exhibit on wedding gowns. The exhibit offers insight into the evolution of women’s styles and it…
Grandparents have always played a meaningful part in their grandchildren’s lives. But in the face of the opioid epidemic in New Hampshire, more are taking…
Renaissance-style frescoes are rare in this country. Yet one hangs on a wall in Nashua’s community theater.At the Court Street building, summer campers…
Close to 100 people rallied in support of transgender equality at Victory Park in Manchester Saturday. They danced through hula hoops, sang songs and…
Hudson Middle School principal Keith Bowen noticed a disturbing trend a couple of years ago."A lot of our achievement scores hadn’t changed, despite all…
By all accounts, commercial and residential construction is on the rebound in New Hampshire. But many general contractors say an aging workforce limits…
Over the weekend, the candidates for New Hampshire’s second congressional district made their final pitches to voters. Democratic Congresswoman Annie…
For college students, the first semester of the academic year is well underway. Kids are busy making new friends and adjusting to classes and dorm…
The second time was the charm for former state representative Jim Lawrence of Hudson, who defeated six other opponents in the race for Republican…
It’s not such a surprise anymore to see towns set up pianos on downtown sidewalks with the hope of getting people to stop and play and chat with each…