Matt Laslo
Vermont’s junior senator, Bernie Sanders, continues to make a splash on the national stage as the independent outsider shaking up the Democratic...
A week of peaceful protests in Baltimore over the death of Freddie Gray, a young African-American man, turned violent Saturday. Police arrested twelve people for destroying property and other crimes.
New Hampshire’s U.S. senators don’t often see eye to eye, but this week they’re teaming up trying to defeat a bill that would force businesses to collect…
In the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting there’s been an increase in calls for gun control on Capitol Hill.There might not be a more…
New Hampshire delegates at the Republican National Convention in Florida say Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan's plan to overhaul Medicare is an…
New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen and other Democrats are trying to Increase pressure on the House to pass an extension to the Violence Against Women…
Former New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg was back in Washington Tuesday. The Republican is trying to pressure political leaders to put aside their…
The Supreme Court’s decision on the health care law threw many lawmakers in Washington for a loop. Now New Hampshire’s congressional delegation is…
Second District Congressman Frank Guinta is helping champion House Republican’s new budget blueprint that Democrats say is dangerous for the nation’s poor…
Thursday New Hampshire’s senators voted along party lines as the Senate rejected an amendment to unwind a controversial new contraceptive rule from the…