A roundup of the top-ten most-read stories on nhpr.org and StateImpact - NH website.
- StateImpact NH: Who's On Welfare In New Hampshire? What Are They Buying And How Much Should You Care? At the end of May, convenience store clerk Jackie Whiton took a public stand against the unrestricted use of public assistance cash-benefits by refusing to sell cigarettes to a customer using an EBT card. Last week, House Speaker William O’Brien took up the cause. We want to know – how big a problem is this?
- StateImpact NH: Getting By, Getting Ahead: Start-Up Entrepreneur Brings High-Tech Talent To Rural N.H. As part of our weekly “Getting By, Getting Ahead” series, StateImpact is traveling across New Hampshire, gathering personal stories from the people behind the economy. In our third installment, we visit a biotech start-up in the Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee region.
- The Exchange: Taking The Temperature of the Tea Party Several years ago, a grass-roots movement called "the Tea Party", united around fiscal conservatism and played a pivotal role in the republican resurgence. More recently though, some suggest that its political clout is waning, but Tea Party members say they’re just working more strategically, and will be as influential as ever in 2012.
- All Things Considered: How Welfare Benefits Work in New Hampshire At the end of May, convenience store clerk Jackie Whiton took a public stand against the unrestricted use of public assistance cash-benefits by refusing to sell cigarettes to a customer using an EBT card.
- North Country: Jackie Cilley: Five Days In The North Country There are three Democratic hopefuls in the gubernatorial primary this September. One is Jackie Cilley, an outspoken Berlin native. She’s not shy about not taking the pledge. She says ideologues in the legislature are embarrassing and undermining the state. And she says in crucial ways the government is failing its citizens and businesses.
- National: 'Roller Skiing' Summer Training for Winter Athletes Athletes all over the country are competing to secure their places on the Summer Olympics team. At the same time, Winter Olympians are doing what they can to stay in shape. For cross-country skiers, that means roller skiing.
- NH News: Union Demonstrators Protest Outsourcing at Guinta's Manchester Office A group of about twenty five demonstrators, organized by the AFL-CIO, petitioned Congressman Frank Guinta’s office to support the anti-outsourcing legislation known as the Bring Jobs Home Act.
- NH News: Greyhound Cuts Could Leave Riders Stranded Instead of providing a key link for American transportation, Greyhound is cutting its service in rural areas. In June, the company announced it would no longer serve some towns along I-91, including Keene and Brattleboro.
- NH News: Reardon Resigns Amid Allegations New Hampshire’s Commissioner of employment security has resigned amid allegations that she hired her daughter for a part time job and then had her fired so she could collect unemployment benefits.
- Environment: Making Carpentry Noble: Walpole Builders Team With French Guild This week a home-building company in Walpole New Hampshire is playing host to 21 carpentry French apprentices, who in two days are building a replica of Thoreau’s Walden Pond Cabin. The exchange program hopes to do more than teach kids how to swing a hammer; It's just one way these builders are working to blend the old and the new.