As part of NHPR's week-long focus on artists, we talk with you about what creative projects you've undertaken this last year, and what making art has meant to you. We talk with art educators and creative people from around the state about how they incorporated art into their lives in 2020.
Read on for art created by our listeners.
Explore our series, "The Show Goes On: How New Hampshire Artists Emerge from the Pandemic."
Air date: Monday, April 26, 2021.
- Christine Hodsdon - Visual arts teacher at Cooperative Middle School in Stratham. She also teaches art to people of all ages at Art for Everyone, in Exeter.
- Erika Janik - Executive producer of NHPR's creative production unit, which makes the podcasts Outside/In and Civics 101. She is also an accomplished craftsperson, and her talents include sewing, weaving, and rug-making.
This show was produced by Christina Phillips.
Check out the creative projects listeners shared with us: