We gauge the reaction of New Hampshire politicians to the Trump/Putin summit in Helsinki. The U.S. attorney's office in New Hampshire focuses on sales of…
We sit down with Corey Flintoff, longtime NPR Russia Correspondent. Flintoff has returned to the U.S., with tales of his many years reporting overseas. We…
While many observers see Vladimir Putin as a 'man from nowhere' without a face, substance, or soul, our guest today argues that he has had a number of…
Photoshopping Vladimir PutinDo a quick search of Vladimir Putin and you'll find a countless array of photoshopped images of the Russian leader riding a bear, a shark, a giraffe, an…
A simple Google image search reveals countless images of a shirtless Vladimir Putin, riding horseback, fishing, and brandishing weapons. On today’s show:…
New Hampshire Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte is calling for tougher action against Russia for annexing Crimea. Ayotte made her comments on “Face the…
With Ukraine still torn between pro-European and pro-Russian factions, New Hampshire Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte is calling on the Obama…
The Cold War might be over but the two former enemies are hardly on warm terms. Sore points for the U.S. include Russia’s shielding of NSA-leaker Edward…
While landing the 2014 Winter Olympic games was a crowning political achievement for Russian President Vladimir Putin, preparations for the Sochi games…
The critics of Vladimir Putin have been growing more vocal. But the current prime minister does not appear to face any serious challengers and looks set to win a third term as president as Russians choose a new leader in an election Sunday.