A conversation with one descendant of a man who was enslaved in Portsmouth, and a descendant from the family that enslaved him.
How well do you really know George Washington? If you’re picturing wooden teeth and a cherry tree, you will want to tune in for NHPR reporter Casey…
Gatherings were held across New Hampshire Friday to read aloud Frederick Douglass' 1852 speech in which he famously asks, "what to the slave is the 4th of…
How well do you really know George Washington? If you’re picturing wooden teeth and a cherry tree, you will want to tune in for a conversation with…
Teaching Slavery In Schools In N.H. And NationallyAcross the country, we're having more conversations about how slavery is taught in our schools, and the importance of understanding slavery for…
Ona Judge isn’t a household name. Perhaps, in part, because she exemplifies our nation’s shameful past. Judge was Martha Washington’s slave -- her…
Descendants of a former slave and Revolutionary War veteran buried in a small cemetery in Plainfield will gather there this weekend, alongside descendants…
Enslaved to George Washington, Judge escaped to New Hampshire during Washington's presidency. She was relentlessly pursed by Washington, who sought to…
From the solitary writer to the reclusive painter, loneliness is a rich vein for artists. Today, Olivia Laing meditates on her own bouts of loneliness,…
During the 1700's, many Portsmouth residents were of African descent– some slave, some free— and were buried in a segregated cemetery. That cemetery was…