WBUR has released a poll showing South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg leading the pack in the New Hampshire primary race.The poll also looked at how New…
Republicans pleased with the 2016 election results are pushing consumer confidence in New Hampshire to a 15-year high.Sixty-seven percent of respondents…
Two new polls show Democrat Hillary Clinton maintaining her lead over Republican Donald Trump in New Hampshire.A UMass Lowell/7News poll released Thursday…
Since the conventions, Donald Trump has stumbled badly. That has moved voters in the direction of Hillary Clinton, giving her a sizable lead in the key states.
A new WBUR poll of likely New Hampshire voters shows Democrat Hillary Clinton with a slight edge over Republican Donald Trump. In the state's U.S. Senate…
The New Hampshire presidential primary celebrates its 100th birthday next year, and a new book chronicles those many decades, including lots of primary…
John Kasich needs New Hampshire’s undeclared voters to surge to the Republican primary. Bernie Sanders would like to see those same voters pick the…
The UNH Survey Center turned plenty of heads this week with its latest poll on the New Hampshire Democratic primary. The poll, conducted for WMUR and CNN,…
Every four years or so, someone proposes replacing Iowa and New Hampshire as the first two states on the presidential nomination calendar, raising the…
WBUR released a new poll of the Republican presidential field this morning. The results mirror other recent polling of the GOP race: Donald Trump and Ben…