Dartmouth researchers say zooplankton could help bury carbon in the ocean. The key to that process? Sprinkling clay dust on the surface of the water.
One of the companies, HydroPhos, was started by University of New Hampshire students.
Organizations like the Seacoast Science Center and Atlantic White Shark Conservancy are trying to start conversations about coexisting with sharks in New England waters.
The ocean is a place of queer possibility in Sabrina Imbler's new book, How Far the Light Reaches: A Life in Ten Sea Creatures.
While sand beaches comprise just over 30% of the world’s ice-free shorelines, the collective idea of the sand beach can sometimes cast a much bigger…
On today's show:Civics 101 takes a look at the federal court system with UNH professor Erin Corcoran"Ornithphobia" from producer Eric Winick?. Listen…
While air temperatures having been warming across New England, the Coast Guard says water temperatures remain cold and potentially dangerous. Captain…
Parents have long used "the birds and the bees" to help explain how babies are made...They'd really have some explaining to do if they looked under the…
With a beak like a parrot, venom strong enough to dissolve flesh, and eight writhing tentacles, the octopus is among the most mystifying and alien of…
The mighty octopus features heavily in science fiction stories, playing the part of creepy creature from the deep, from H.P. Lovecraft’s…