After years of headlines on the ‘obesity epidemic’, the number of Americans dealing with this condition is leveling off. Awareness has increased,…
As stricter nutrition regulations go into their fifth year, some New Hampshire students and schools, continue to push back against these federal…
Data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rank Vermont sixth best in the nation overall in its adult obesity rate.The report from…
State health officials say a survey shows there’s progress being made in the battle against childhood obesity in New Hampshire.A statewide survey that…
New immigrants often face an unexpected challenge: how to navigate away from an American diet that takes a toll on your health? That’s becoming easier in…
During the Depression, the face of hunger was easy to spot: gaunt, worn, and hollow-eyed. Today’s malnourished are tougher to spot. We’ll get a close up…
Diabetes has been called “the chronic epidemic of the millennium.” Our panel looks at why this is so, changes in management of this disease, and promising…
Starting in the 1980s, public health experts began sounding the alarm: Americans were getting way too heavy. And of special concern: children, and the…
An elementary school in Nashua is reminding parents and students that playing "tag" violates the school's longtime "no contact" rule for recess…
With more than a third of Americans classified as obese, behavioral scientists are experimenting with ways to ‘nudge’ grocery shoppers away from the chips…