Other states have experimented successfully with wildlife overpasses.
Crude oil is used to make both asphalt and gasoline.
The N.H. Department of Transportation is ordering Pan Am Railways to remove a highly visible political sign located on a train bridge spanning the Everett…
How Can N.H. Encourage More Bikers and Walkers?The N.H. Department of Transportation is tackling a plan for the next decade to improve how we get around in the state, on foot and by bike. We look at…
From Fixing Roads To Collecting Rent: Why N.H.’s DOT Is Also A LandlordThere’s a duplex in the town of Hudson, set back from the road, surrounded by trees. One half is vacant; Mandy Whitaker lives in the other half. She…
The American Society of Civil Engineers has released their 2017 report card on New Hampshire’s infrastructure -- and the state is far from the honor…
DOT: Cameras Will Be Installed In All Turnpike Toll LanesThe New Hampshire Department of Transportation says cameras are being installed in all toll lanes in the turnpike system.Cameras previously were in all…
Whizzing along New Hampshire’s highways, most drivers probably don’t give much thought to those square black and yellow plates on the end of guardrails –…
The New Hampshire Department of Transportation is doing night paving work associated with a reconstruction project at the intersection of U.S. Route 1 and…
The widening of I-93 is without doubt a massive public works project. It’s also been a massive political issue. But its full build-out may end up being…