Gardening Guy Henry Homeyer talks about “the three B’s” of cold weather crops in his garden: Broccoli, Brussel sprouts… and kale. Kale? That starts with a…
Gardening Guy Henry Homeyer gave us some homework last week; he told us to get some garlic- to plant. You wrote this week that this is the time for…
Gardening Guy and Cornish Flats resident Henry Homeyer says it’s not too late to plant for fall color. We are in the peak of fall foliage season in New…
With fall around the corner, it’s a good time to evaluate the growing season just past- and plan ahead for next year. Gardening Guy Henry Homeyer offers…
Gardening Guy Henry Homeyer talks about mums, decorative kale and cabbage, and preparing for fall. Fall is on the way… what are you doing to prepare?…
New Hampshire's growing season traditionally begins Memorial Day weekend, but if you haven't gotten many plants into your garden this year, it's not too…