States like New Hampshire are experiencing peak leaf. We have some tips on how to observe fall foliage safely.
A wet summer and warmer temperatures can affect when trees decide to stop producing key nutrients that cause their leaves to change color.
Have you noticed the bright colors in the twigs and stems of early spring? Try not to compare them to the springtime flowers farther south! It's subtle, but the wash of color on hillsides in early spring shows some trees are getting a jump-start on photosynthesis.
We take for granted the colorful foliage every year in N.H. But some 30,000 acres of oak forest were defoliated this summer by the re-emergence of lymantria, an invasive species. How will this affect our color this fall?
We take for granted the colorful foliage every year in N.H. But some 30,000 acres of oak forest were defoliated this summer by the re-emergence of lymantria, an invasive species. How will this affect our color this fall?
This is the inaugural edition of a new segment we’ll be doing every other Friday on Morning Edition: “Ask Sam” in which NHPR’s Sam Evans-Brown tracks down…
Haven't been impressed with the leaf peeping in New Hampshire so far this year? You're not alone.Dave Lutz, a research associate in the Environmental…
The fall foliage season is sweeping through New Hampshire, causing residents and leaf-peepers to appreciate anew the forests in the state. The colors of…
New Hampshire is experiencing one of those few rare and special weeks right now. About 48 weeks of the year, the New Hampshire landscape is pretty…
New Hampshire’s department of travel and tourism is predicting 670,000 visitors and over $98 million spent by the end of this Columbus day weekend. The…