The deal is subject to conditions meant to address concerns about cost and access to services.
Discuten la posible adquisición del hospital de Manchester. Candidata Goodlander recibe apoyo de máximo Demócrata del Congreso de EE.UU.
HCA Healthcare is poised to acquire Manchester's Catholic Medical Center. Nurses at another HCA-owned hospital say the company's track record deserves more scrutiny.
The DEA began an investigation last year at Catholic Medical Center in Manchester, finding that a nurse anesthetist diverted liquid fentanyl left over from medical procedures instead of safely discarding it.
The hospital says its board could vote soon on whether to move forward with a potential sale to HCA Healthcare.
The cuts come as the Manchester hospital is in negotiations to become part of Tennessee-based health care giant HCA.
Experts say the industry's increasing consolidation could affect health care access and affordability.
The hospital says the move to join HCA Healthcare would ensure its financial viability, while allowing it to keep its Catholic identity.
The outside report recommends changes to the hospital’s leadership and oversight practices, after a Boston Globe investigation documented failures to act on concerns about a surgeon with a record of medical errors.
CMC contrata firma legal externa para abordar problema de negligencia. Candidatos a Senadores estatales hablan en conjunto sobre inflación. Estudiantes de posgrado en Dartmouth buscan formar un sindicato laboral.