Meet the families who participated in New Hampshire.
On today's show:A conversation with artist and Dartmouth Associate Professor of Arts & Sciences, Soo Sunny Park. See photos and listen to this piece again…
On today's show:Civics 101 - Declaring WarA conversation with artist Soo Sunny Park - See photos and listen to the story again at this link.Threshold…
The Immersive World of Artist Soo Sunny ParkThe Currier Museum of Art’s website describes the current installation by Soo Sunny Park, titled BioLath, as: “an immersive sculptural environment that…
For nearly a decade, Peterborough NH has hosted *broke: The Affordable Arts Fair. It’s a refuge where frugal or budget-conscious art aficionados get…
How the Copyright Act of 1976 Left Comic Artists, Like Jack Kirby, at the Mercy of Big StudiosIn late August Marvel announced that it would be celebrating Kirby week: in honor of legendary comic book artist Jack Kirby’s 99th birthday. But Jack…
The ad agency for Royal Caribbean chose a lively, catchy tune for a series of commercials for the cruise line, but it didn’t exactly match the wholesome,…
In 1989, NHPR humanities reporter Robbie Honig profiled The Golgonooza Letter Foundry & Press. This small shop in the village of Ashuelot was opened by…
From the archives this week, former NHPR arts producer Phillip Bragdon caught up? with Karl Drerup after he won the Lotte Jacobi Living Treasure Award in…
Ever heard of Philip Glass the plumber? Kurt Vonnegut the car salesman? On today’s show we pay homage to artists who didn’t quit their day jobs, even…