Charlotte Albright
Charlotte Albright lives in Lyndonville and currently works in the Office of Communication at Dartmouth College. She was a VPR reporter from 2012 - 2015, covering the Upper Valley and the Northeast Kingdom. Prior to that she freelanced for VPR for several years.
The foam padded android, named MVP — short for Mobile Virtual Player — was designed by graduate engineering students. Players tackle MVP so they don't have to ram into each other.
Things are looking up in the Upper Valley city of Lebanon, New Hampshire. A large building in the heart of its retail district left vacant by the abrupt...
This time of year, the Appalachian Trail fills up with hikers passing through Vermont and New Hampshire on their way to the endpoint in Maine. Some are...
More and more members of the military are coming back from deployments needing medical attention, and Vietnam-era veterans are aging.
The village of Island Pond, in the Northeast Kingdom, is becoming the maple sugar capital of North America. An out-of-state company called Sweet Tree...
Last weekend, more than 40 swimmers from around the country competed in the inaugural U.S. Winter Swimming Championship in northern Vermont. They swam in a two-lane pool cut into an icy lake.
As winter arrives, many Vermonters are probably going to be shivering – indoors. The state wants to weatherize 80,000 homes, a quarter of them owned or...
New federal science education standards adopted in Vermont require that students learn about climate change. So teachers are starting to create lesson...
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center is trying to prevent the spread of a skin condition known as crusted scabies. Also called Norwegian scabies, the...
As the fall college term gets underway, some Upper Valley students are finding themselves in limbo. That’s because they had enrolled in New Hampshire’s...