On a 189-184 majority, the New Hampshire House has voted to repeal the state’s so-called ‘Stand Your Ground’ law.
The two year old measure allows people to use deadly force anywhere they have a right to be if they feel their lives are in danger.
Previously, people had a duty to retreat to safety if possible before defending themselves with deadly force.
"Stand your ground? Shoot first and ask questions later? Or, live like civilized human beings, always cognizant that what we first perceive to be threats, often wind up as little more than over-zealous displays of temper," said Rep. Steve Vallaincourt, a Republican from Manchester, in support of repeal.
Opponents of the repeal effort, including Rep. Al Baldasaro (R-Londonderry), said repeal is akin to gun control and violates 2nd amendment rights.
"Gun groups will not forget this in 2014."
The bill will next head to the GOP-controlled Senate, where it faces slimmer odds of passing.