John H. Sununu announces he will not challenge Jeanne Shaheen in the 2014 US Senate race; former Senator Scott Brown visited New Hampshire this weekend,…
Stand your ground - the controversial gun law that passed last year removed the obligation that a person first consider retreating before using deadly…
On a 189-184 majority, the New Hampshire House has voted to repeal the state’s so-called ‘Stand Your Ground’ law.The two year old measure allows people to…
The House votes on the "Stand Your Ground" repeal, which would again require people to attempt to retreat before using deadly force, and a bill to…
Some key votes are coming up within a busy House docket: the tobacco tax increase, expected to pass, but at less than the Governor's proposed level;…
In 2011, New Hampshire lawmakers passed the so-called Stand Your Ground Law. The state has seen controversy over the law, with some calling for its…
Several hundred gun rights supporters, some carrying rifles and pistols, rallied Thursday outside the State House.Rally organizers were collecting…
House Takes Up Repeal of 'Stand Your Ground'If N.H.’s so-called stand your ground law were repealed, people would again have a duty to retreat before using deadly force to defend themselves or…