La exposición al plomo podría tener graves efectos en la salud, especialmente para niños.
The INSPIRED report from the University of New Hampshire aims to make scientific research accessible to the public and policymakers.
Residents of Pelham are helping the state gather data used for flood risk mitigation. Their efforts are part of a nationwide project called Crowdhydrology.
El programa Low Income Household Water Assistance Program podría ayudar a los residentes de New Hampshire a pagar sus cuentas atrasadas de agua. Cierra en septiembre pero aún hay tiempo de aplicar.
New Hampshire got about $3 million in 2021 to help residents with their water bills, but state officials are still trying to get that money to people who need it.
In a statement issued Wednesday afternoon, New Hampshire Attorney General John Formella applauded the ruling.
An order of violation issued Feb. 8 announced that the level of haloacetic acids in Plaistow municipal water exceeded federal standards.
"This study shows us that in many regions around the world, we have less time than we may have thought before they're gone,” said Mathieu Morlighem, a researcher on the study.
The head of the EPA is urging states across the country to focus the funding on historically underserved communities.
The petition to reverse the vote has 1,001 signatures, 805 of which were certified by the town clerk to be registered Durham voters.