The city of Nashua is revamping 24/7 walk-in services for people seeking help with addiction.Nashua has been without after-hour addiction services since…
Since the state established The Doorway, a new system for treating opioid abuse, nine hospitals in different regions now serve as entryways to…
Nashua’s Safe Stations, which offered free help finding substance use treatment to anyone who showed up at local fire stations, will end its services July…
Two hospitals in Manchester and Nashua are now the new hubs for the Doorway, a program that connects people with substance use disorders to treatment and…
Many once face-to-face interactions have moved online during COVID-19, including for people who are in recovery from a substance use disorder.But the…
The Executive Council unanimously approved contracts for hospitals in Manchester and Nashua to serve as new hubs for the Doorway, a program which connects…
The city of Manchester is scrambling to find a stop-gap measure after learning the Doorway, the local hub for people in addiction crisis, is significantly…
Congress is expected to vote on a government spending bill this week that would allow money earmarked for opioid use disorder to be used to treat other…
More people in Manchester and Nashua have been using Narcan this year to revive someone who has overdosed on opioidsThe data comes from American Medical…
The new statewide program for people seeking addiction treatment, The Doorway, is described as a "hub and spoke" system that includes nine locations…