'All four of my birdhouses are painted, and they never seem to have a problem with attracting birds or being filled year after year.'
The team checks our voicemail and makes a shocking discovery.
Why does catching a whiff of a smell from childhood feel so emotional?
A question about animal handedness has us looking at our pets a little more closely.
The Outside/In team follows their noses to the science on pheromones.
Does it gross you out to know that every time you smell a thing, a little bit of that thing is in your nose?
A question about anosmia has the Outside/In team sniffing out answers about our sense of smell.
One part stays the same from caterpillar to butterfly. It might surprise you.
Colorado is trying to reestablish a wild population of wolves to the state. Why do they do it in winter?
And are they vulnerable to climate change?