With the renegotiated pact and Wednesday's signing of an initial trade deal with China, the president can say he fulfilled a key campaign pledge to get tough on trade.
N.H. Economic News Roundup: A Shortage of Summer Employees & the Local Impact of International TradeHow are tariffs and international trade disputes impacting our state? We also take a look at summer employment, including the shortage of workers. And,…
How much should the U.S. be open to business with other countries, and how much should we protect our industries from foreign competition? This question…
The factory floor inside of Graphicast, a manufacturing company in Jaffrey, feels like a throwback to another era. Workers stand around waist-high…
During a previously unannounced trade mission to Montreal, Governor Chris Sununu spoke warmly on Monday about hundreds of years of economic ties between…
Opposition to global trade was a huge theme in the Presidential election, and President-elect Trump promises to renegotiate NAFTA and ditch the TPP on his…
It seems like a simple question: Overall, have free-trade agreements (like NAFTA) been good news or bad news for the Granite State?The answer, according…
Some insist these sweeping pacts help the overall economy, leading to more affordable goods and raising the standard of living for Americans. But others…
President Bill Clinton signed the North American Free Trade Agreement in December 1993, eliminating all tariffs and trade restrictions among the U.S.,…
Jon Bresler was an early supporter of the North American Free Trade Agreement. As owner of Suncook Woven Labels, a textile company whose customers…